Wednesday 28 November 2007


I’m so tired today. I had a really busy day yesterday with a cello lesson, lots of baking, a trip to the court to meet my mentor (just become a JP), followed by home to do tea, before a committee meeting. To top it off we also had two of the children’s schoolfriends over after school for tea and to sleep over. This was the biggest problem… I think they finally stopped chatting just after 11pm last night.

Burnt flour smells awful - as I discovered last night, when I went to take the loaf out of the breadmaker - I’d forgotten to put any water in! So a new loaf was made ready for toast this morning. However I managed to get 4 children up, washed and dressed within 40 minutes, breakfast made for us all - including bacon and scrambled eggs, so if I do nothing else today least I achieved something.

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