Friday 30 May 2008

Day Three

Nancy Thomas:  Mini-Camp

I woke today feeling really low.  My husband was in a foul mood - not helped by the dishwasher having flooded the floor.  This comes at the end of a week when firstly the sink got blocked and we discovered that it had been incorrectly installed in the first place, then the washing machine broke and now the dishwasher.  Surely that has to be it for the appliance in the kitchen now!

Anyway my daughter was in a dreadful mood too and by the time I reached camp this morning I was in tears.  I didn't really know why - but I think it was to do with the fact that this was our last 'Nancy Thomas day' and the thought of going it back alone is a little scary.

I bought her book - When love is not enough - if anyone wants a copy there is a cheaper supplier than Amazon - shout and I'll dig out the link!  I got it for just under £12.  The book is pretty much everything we've been taught over the last 3 days - but its there in black and white and if I need to check back I can.  Always a bonus when you are learning something new!  The children seem happier, I know I'm certainly more positive about the future and I'm not so frustrated by the things they do.  I understand the problem and we've a strategy to fix it.

I'm still anxious over what will happen in time, however I've loads of new friends from the camp to contact if I feel I just need to rant at a parent who WILL understand!

For all you readers (and why are most of you still lurkers - it gets a litte lonely in blog land without comments!! :D  ) who have normal children - rejoice in them, and please don't automatically assume that the harrassed looking woman in the corner of the playground is just a bad mum, she might just be me!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't have children yet, but I work with children all day in an urban environment. Many of them are troubled, being raised by grandparents and other family, or just in need of extra TLC from the adults in their worlds. I really appreciate reading your posts about the struggles of raising special kids.