Friday 2 May 2008

Local Elections

Yesterday was local elections and it makes me so very cross. When all across the world millions are fighting for the right to vote, our country is seemingly very apathetic. Our village - which is not small, having 3 polling stations managed a turn out of just over 35%. Am I really to believe that under 1 in 4 people care about what happens locally? Yes we might all be a little jaded and wonder if our views are taken into consideration - but if you don't vote I feel you have no right to complain about government and councils and political decisions. If you can't be bothered to get to your polling station and either spoil your ballot paper or put a cross in one of the boxes I don't want to hear about your views on politics. If everyone who had an opinion took the time to vote I guess our political situation would be a lot different. I think the overall turnout country wide is about 40ish % How can public opinion truely be gathered when less than half the country care enough to vote.

Grrr - rant over.... :D

Yes I did vote, and my candidate came third, but I took part.

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