Thursday, 28 February 2008

Sweetly Inspired

Inspired by the Flickr group Etsy UK Challenge for 'Sweets from your Childhood' I made a crayon roll with Dolly Mixtures.

My fav sweets from my childhood were Pacers - but they don't make them anymore and Dolly Mixtures run a very close second!

I didn't have plain enough material for this - I really wanted the Dolly Mixtures to be the focus, so used soft fleece and felt - and I love it! With a notepad added so that it really is enough to keep a child happy I think I've come up with a variation on my original. Future crayon/pencil rolls will be made of felt and fabric, I just need to work out a way of making them pretty in a less time consuming way!

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

More aprons

Yes, time for another apron post - however how could I not! Today I got my apron from my swap partner. She didn't send any information in the packet about her - but she did put her address on it, and I've managed to 'find' her!
Isn't this apron just lovely. I've worn it (and twirled in it!) already. The detail on the pockets are just great (two pockets cleverly disguised as one!). If you like mine, you might like to check out Judy's shop on Etsy where she has some similar for sale.

Thank you Judy!


A couple of posts ago I was wondering about my shop. Did I still want it? What did I actually want to do? I'm a firm believer that actions speak louder than words, and over the last 2 weeks I've been in 3 Treasury's over on Etsy (a Treasury is where someone lists some of their favourite items and shows it off to all and sundry). I've never been in a Treasury before, and suddenly I was in 3 at once, over one weekend! Proof that someone likes my things. Plus I continued to list new things!

I think the future has been decided and 'Made By Cara' is here to stay - albeit with a few changes. A new banner, and avatar for starters. I've decided to concentrate on a more cohesive range of items, things that are useful - but lovely all the same! I've changed the design of some of my items and drawn up some new ideas as well. March is going to be a good month for me, and to cement my commitment I've agreed to do a craft fair in London in June!

Made By Cara is going places !

However, can I just say that blogging is a lonely place without comments!

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Apron finished!

Okay - so it wasn't a good idea to make the straps so that I had to turn them out... that wasn't easy! However the apron is now made, and I'm pleased with it. I just hope my partner likes it. Its the first one I've made, and both the fabrics were quite heavy weight cotton - I suppose that makes it really durable for Spring Time. There is due to be another Apron Swap for Summer - I'll make that one in a lighter fabric. Anyway on to pictures!

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Apron - work in progress

In my mind I've made 3 aprons by now - all different. The reality is that I've done none and I've set myself the task of finishing it this weekend ready to send out on Monday. I'd thought that the deadline was 20th March, actually its 1st of March, and I don't want my recipient to wait that long. I know who she is, and I've been checking out her blog - only I can't tell you, lest she finds my blog and sees her apron!

Anyway, I've finally decided to make a half apron, rather than a full sized one, and its going to be reversible, with pockets on both sides. I've ordered some lovely 'lamb' trim from Matatabi over on Etsy, which I'll use for one of the pockets - on the plainer side, the other will be quite floral, but spring like...

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

St Valentine's Parcels

Here are some of the parcels to be sent out for Valentines Day...
Yummy heart shaped Caramel Shortbread - delish!

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Neglect and Magpies

I've rather neglected my blog this week and that is a shame, its a habit I was just beginning to form nicely. However this week has been a real pressure pot. I'm also on the committee for the local Residents' Association, and we've planned a Beetle Drive for tonight, which somehow or other I seem to have ended up co-ordinating.

I've been thinking hard about my shop too. I never expected I'd have a shop. Whilst I love making things, and find it a joy to make something, I've come to realise that having a shop brings a whole heap of responsibilities.

I can't just make the odd thing here and there and stick it inthe shop and expect it to sell. I have to put real work in and that it has to be consistent. If I went to a local store and they kept promising me something, but didn't deliver, in the end I'd give up and go elsewhere - so why should mine be any different? I've come to realise I have spread myself too thin, I suppose I have Magpie tendancies, I like new things, they always seem shinier. However now almost 4 months into having my shop I'm averaging 5 sales a month, and for the time and effort I'm putting in - thats not great.

I'm going to be taking a break for a while, to think about whether I want to have a shop and if so what do I want it to be.

All I can say is watch this space...

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Shrove Tuesday

I can't actually get my head round the fact that it is indeed Shrove Tuesday today. The year hardly feels started and yet we are approaching Easter. The children were mightily disappointed that I did not make pancakes for breakfast - I was told in no uncertain terms that I made Scotch Pancakes last year and they had some more for tea. I tried to justify my lack of eggs by saying that I was going to make stuffed savoury pancakes followed by sweet pancakes and that I had ice-cream too. My daughter gave me the look and said "well last year you made pancakes for breakfast, and we had stuffed ones for tea too". I think I'll just shuffle to the back of the Mum Class...

Maybe I could re-deem myself by making a couple of small ones for them when they come home from school.

Monday, 4 February 2008


And I've no idea if that is a word! However I am so so thrilled today. I have a thing for tea - thats afternoon tea, not just the drink. I think there is something so so civilised about sitting down mid afternoon for a cup of tea and a little slice of something. When we married we were adament that we did not want a dinner service, however I have always hankered after a tea service and here we are going towards our tenth year and I've found it today.

Well what do you think? Its got 8 cups and saucers, 8 side plates, a serving plate and a milk jug. It doesn't have its sugar bowl - but then we don't take sugar in our tea! I've seen others over the years, but didn't go for it - it wasn't terribly fashionable amongst my friends. I'm older and wiser now and sensible enough to go for this, just because I love it. I'm sure Chris will love it too - particularly when I tell him I got it all for under £6. Now I think I ought to go and bake so we can christen the tea service...


I don't know masses about this - but I'm in one!!!

The lovely Shunklies has me featured in her mosaic at number 13 - which are my baked crayons!

Go take a peek, there are lots of lovely photos there.