Tuesday 26 February 2008


A couple of posts ago I was wondering about my shop. Did I still want it? What did I actually want to do? I'm a firm believer that actions speak louder than words, and over the last 2 weeks I've been in 3 Treasury's over on Etsy (a Treasury is where someone lists some of their favourite items and shows it off to all and sundry). I've never been in a Treasury before, and suddenly I was in 3 at once, over one weekend! Proof that someone likes my things. Plus I continued to list new things!

I think the future has been decided and 'Made By Cara' is here to stay - albeit with a few changes. A new banner, and avatar for starters. I've decided to concentrate on a more cohesive range of items, things that are useful - but lovely all the same! I've changed the design of some of my items and drawn up some new ideas as well. March is going to be a good month for me, and to cement my commitment I've agreed to do a craft fair in London in June!

Made By Cara is going places !

However, can I just say that blogging is a lonely place without comments!

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