Tuesday, 15 July 2008


The letterbox contact from our children's birth mum arrived last week.  We receive a letter from her (via Social Services who screen the letters) each year around about this time and we reciprocate with a letter in September.  I was cross from the moment I opened it - its full of talk about her baby son and celebrating birthdays - and I have to read this to my children?

Anyhows, tonight was chosen, and sure enough we've had an evening of tears.  Hearing from birth mum has made both children feel unsafe, nervous, anxious - but despite this, I am so so very proud of them both.  They handled hearing the letter so so well, and above all else were mostly concerned for the new baby in their mum's life.  They mainly wanted to know whether he was safe or not.  We told them we didn't much know as birth mum is no longer living in our county (or country), however we did tell them that I'd asked our local Social Services if they knew anything and whilst they couldn't tell me (either because they do not know or because of confidentiality) anything, they could say that the local Child Welfare department would know of the history of child neglect.

My children constantly amaze me with their ability to process information, and to show a maturity so beyond their years.  I love them both so so much.

1 comment:

craftyclaire said...

I didn't realise that you had adopted children, with all our fairycake talk! IT sure most be tough at times for everyone in your family. I think you have done a brilliant thing, and reading about the camps you went on, I hope the advice and strategies you got are working well.