Sunday 13 April 2008

Macro #13

Pink bias trim and green fabric.
I've been wanting to make some more tissue holders for a while, but I wanted to make a change to my original design. Now I had the basics, but I couldn't get the inner seams just right. Thats a Virgo trait in me. Which leads me nicely onto perfection. I get really cross when I don't quite get something right. It really annoys me on many levels. Typically I make errors when my mind isn't fully on the job - how annoying is that! I don't generally put my errors on Etsy, I don't think there is a particular reason, I just don't. I do however tend to offer them at the craft fairs I go to. Anyway - finally sorted out my tissue holders, and I'm happy with them now. I've listed two new ones and have a further 6 to photograph and list. I'm also trying to increase my stock levels in readiness for the fair I'm doing in Covent Garden later this year.

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