Saturday 5 April 2008

Macro #5

My rings. Today my cousin gets married. We were very close as children. We lived next door to each other, and I'd often pop round in the morning and climb in through his bedroom window to see him (we both lived in bungalows!). We were as thick as thieves and as close as a brother and sister. We've not been so close for the last 10 or so years, in fact the last time I saw him was at his brothers wedding a few years ago. I'm really looking forward to seeing him and his bride today, and this is a kick for me to stay in touch more. Yes I know he could ring me etc etc - but he's a boy, and not really into all that!

So my macro today is my rings, cause weddings always remind me of the day I got married - and this year we'll have been married 10 years.

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